Resources and troubleshooting

back to section start!
  You may also take a look in the sources of the rndpic.module, or even 
  the time.module (this source is not optimised and is unfinished, I am 
  current working on it...). These are not in the same style like here, 
  but I swear I am on the way to do it better... ;) 
  A good idea is to look in the AmiNet biz/dopus directory, there you 
  may find also some sources and other interesting stuff. 
  If you need help on DOpus related problems (no programming problems), 
  you should send a EMail to 
                   subscribe dopus5 <your email address> 
  in the text. 
  You can send also 
                   subscribe dopus5-dev <your email address> 
  in the body to subscribe you to the developers list (for programming 
  related problems). 
  You will receive a welcome message detailing the commands available, and 
  then the crap...eeerrr, the 'help' should start rolling in :) 
  Updates, announcements, and other sundry items of interest can be found on 
  the GPSoftware WWW page, located at 
  Bug reports and requests for help can also be be sent to Dr Greg Perry at, you will need to send your registration number 
  in the message if you expect a response. 
  If you have troubleshooting while creating you new module, you may use 
  the developer mailing list first. There you may get in contact with 
  Jonathan Potter, Greg Perry, Andrew Dunbar, other developers or even me, 
  who does try their best to help you to solve your programming problem. 

DOpus PLUS - giving you that bit extra...